Reaping The Results Of Our Thoughts…

Healing Mind and Body Throught Christ – Gospel Centered Coaching services with a focus on questioning our own thoughts and intentionally choosing to sow the thoughts that will lead to the results of our lives.

I discovered that all my pain and suffering was self-created. I lived in fear, self-doubt, and isolation, that transformed into a life of peace, joy, and hope. What shocked me most was this: nothing in my circumstances changed—only my thoughts.

As my inner world shifted, so did my outer world. People were drawn to me, opportunities appeared effortlessly, and interactions I once feared became exciting and meaningful. I didn’t fully understand it at first, but over time, I’ve learned how to explain and teach this transformation—a path to unshakable peace, even in the face of life’s challenges.

The energy I bring to my life is contagious, creating transformation not only in me but also in my husband, children, friends, and the lives of those I am honored to coach.

Join me as you create your life, one thought at a time.


Let me help you apply the law of sowing and reaping in:





SSA – Same Sex Attraction


Methods used:


Thought work

CIFAR – Intentional Model

Breath Work

Practicing Presence


Primitive Brain


Mind Body Connection

The Manual

Disruption Theory

Clifton Strengths

Journal Speak

Cold Plunge

Work Out